360 Ambisonic Sound Recording

For my tests I used a Zoom H3-VR recorder which features a 4 microphone ambisonic array. The device is very simple to use… select a format – Ambisonics A, Ambisonics B (FuMa/AmbiX), then

Spatial Audio composition

With hearing being arguably the sense we have managed to most closely recreate with the most real to life results, audio is of great importance in achieving immersion. Working in the Reaper DAW

Audio Reactive Visualiser Test

With some prior experience in audio visual production and performance I wanted to explore this area some more through further practical tests. I have previous experience as a DJ in live environments… manipulating

The Metaverse

As with many terms and concepts with roots in science-fiction, it is becoming ever more apparent that we are moving towards the Metaverse becoming science-fact. But what does this term mean? The Metaverse

Ethics in immersive storytelling

Within this article I’ll look at ethics from two angles: 1. How immersive storytelling can be used to communicate current ethical issues to audiences, plus the importance of using content to communicate