10 Research

Project Aims Throughout my research I have been condensing abstract concepts into something more solid. I’ve delved deeply into the technologies, as well as identifying themes with which to steer creative decision

09 Research

Mediums Through my research and past modules I have come across projects using a wide range of mediums. Each have their own affordances and I will list some here along with observational notes

08 Research

Controlling the experience (for agency) Sensors Q: what are the best physical controllers for changing settings? I experimented with using the depth camera on an iPhone 11 Pro via an app called MusiKraken

07 Research

Ableton Live Research I’ve been using Ableton Live digital audio workstation for many years, and as such it makes sense that I use it as an audio engine as I am confident

06 Research

Touch Designer Research There is a wealth of content on the internet by artists and designers using Touch Designer for various projects. As I followed up ideas and keywords that emerged during my